Sunday, July 25, 2010

Whale watching advice and hints off boston?

I am looking for a unique experience with researchers or something that is less crowded. Any suggestions?Whale watching advice and hints off boston?
Whale watching is fantastic. Watch out for the commercial boats that promise ';Guaranteed whale sighting';. There is no such thing - they will just give you a free ticket for another cruise, and you need to spend another 4 hours on the water. Naturally, whale watch sightings can't be truly guaranteed.

The best bet is to go with the New England Aquarium's boat. there will be naturalists on board and interpretive programs.Whale watching advice and hints off boston?
I recommend going out of Gloucester. Cape Ann Whale Watch and their Daunty Fleet will not disappoint if going during the Summer. CAWW has a sighting guarantee and even has Naturalists aboard who can talk about the specific whales you are seeing through access to their whale database identified by the whales' fluke markings. Its a good time for the whole family.
I went once off of Cape Cod. It is one of the single greatest experiences in nature ever. Get ready to watch Humpbacks the size of school buses leap out of the water - totally - just yards from the ship. One came up to the ship and blew a lady's hat off through it's spout! Just amazing!

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