Thursday, July 29, 2010

What would be a good book for relationship advice?

My boyfriend and I live together and we fight and bicker all the time. It seems like we are both a little unhappy with our lives. We love each other so much and don't want to be with out each other we just need some advice. Anyone know any good books to help?What would be a good book for relationship advice?
The Secret of Family HappinessWhat would be a good book for relationship advice?
Astrology helped me. I have been married 32 years since I was 17 which is so unusual %26amp; I read so many books but my study of astrology is what helped me to understand what we have in common %26amp; what we don't but can learn to understand about each other. I have helped others with this info. but it takes a lot of my time so when I do it I now charge for my time.....I think understanding how a person is a mirror of ourselves is good %26amp; a good book or DVD on this is ';Dark side of the light chasers' by Debbie Ford. This has helped me understand others....another book that shows how we get what we think about is ';The Secret';by Rhonda Byrnes. it shows how you too are expecting conflict. Can you sit %26amp; imagine spending a morning having a nice breakfast %26amp; opening to a nice day...then a nice time in the eve....In other words take segments %26amp; see this times when you are having a good time together. You have to be able to see it or tell about it to have it %26amp; you probably have no clue as to what it would be like to get along.....then someone told you about communication so I think using different things is what you need so maybe not one book but one at a time %26amp; being patient as you change %26amp; grow together.
Men are from Mars; Women are from Venus but hey, I think you have learned this negative behaviour with each other and you both support it in you both and each other, y'all, I'd say.

Identify the triggers and watch for them when they occur. Have a mutually agreed upon solution. New learning rocks! Good luck.

P.S. Do you (both) enjoy this bickering and look forward to it??

Will future children enjoy this?? Good luck, y'all!
Relationship Rescue, Phil McGraw

Five Love Languages, Gary Chapman

Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus, John Gray

A Couple's Guide to Communication, John Mordechai Gottman

Getting the Love You Want, Harville Hendrix


Love Dare
Dr. Phil's book:

Hope this helps
I really like the book ';You Just Don't Understand.'; It's written by a woman and it explains how to get around common communication barriers.
one of the women i worked with swore that ';The Five Love Languages'; by Gary Chapman, changed her marriage for the better. I also know people who swear by ';The Love Dare'; by Stephen Kendrick.
You should read ';He's Just Not That Into You';.
that new book by that nine year old its called how to talk to girls i heard the advice is pretty good

I have the best book, and this is no joke! Men are from mars, women are from venus. Seriously it helped me out majorly!

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