I've tried soap and water and also 409. No luck.Any advice on getting the tar and nicotine off of white wooden shutters?
Paint over it! And keep whoever that got it there (you,spouse,previous owners) away from them! Plus give them a patch!Any advice on getting the tar and nicotine off of white wooden shutters?
A magic eraser would most likely get it off, as long as you don't have to scrub it too hard, you're ok. If it requires you to scrub it really hard, it may take some of the paint off, it can do that on walls so i'm sure the same goes for shutters.
I think it's worth a try because other than that, you'd have to paint them, so there's nothing to lose.
Paint them.
1 parts Warm water
1 part white vinegar
and I like to add a drop of a citric washing up liquid (just for the scent really but it also helps get through the grease)
I used this with my white doors and frames and it worked a treat
plus it is better for you and your house
try Windex or ammonia and water.
Mr. Clean magic sponge...Works Great.
Yes mix half water %26amp;half bleach in a spray bottle and spray in on and let it set for 5 minutes then rinse it off it is that easy !! GOOD LUCK!If it is a really tough stain leave mixture on longer!!
Any type of Bleach cleaner should get it off. Spray it and let it soak a few minutes, it should wipe right off.
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