Thursday, August 19, 2010

What is the best advice could some give to a young entrepreneur?

I have lots of it, but I'll limit myself.;%26gt;)

1. Learn what your weaknesses are and either learn what you need to know or hire someone who knows it already.

2. Inspect what you expect. In other words, whatever you expect someone else to do make sure you check up on that person to make sure it's being done and done the way you want it done.

3. Never, ever, ever get behind on your withholding taxes to the state or federal government, the penalties and interest will kill your business.What is the best advice could some give to a young entrepreneur?
always keep some adult little lot senior in age than you , so you learn from there mistakes.What is the best advice could some give to a young entrepreneur?
Never give up... Look at failure as an opportunity to learn what may not work in that situation. Note it and go on with the next idea.
NEVER give up !
Never forget that 95% of the business in the world are loss making. Check your investment and expenditure.
get a job. learn to work for others in case you need something to fall back on. don't expect anyone to bail you out of a difficult situation. know every aspect pertaining to the business, learn it well, then let others do the work for you. demand quality, and give the insentive to get it.
That ... Cash-flow is king, and Networking ...etc.

Also to be open, to change ( as in direction or seeking other oppertunities) etc.

Go for it - attitude...ok.
Make sure your plan is sound, and remember that until you have plenty of money, you will be wearing all the hats. So, spend time learning how to wear those hats. Be prepared to weather all of the storms until the business takes off. By that I mean that you should have enough money to operate your business for at least a year, if you don't make a dime. That includes money for you and your family to live on. Here's a free management library that might help a lot But don't stop there, hang out in the library. If you had to budget your time, spend the bulk of that time studying accountng.

I'm certain that if you're going into business, you have some experience with the kind of business you're starting? SBA requires 10-20 years experience; and they won't give out working capital loans.

Good Luck!
Keep the OPM principle in mind...

As in ';Other People's Money';.

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