Are some of your cats purely indoor cats? Is it hard to keep them safely inside the house? Do you notice any difference in their personalities. For example, the outdoor cat's being less needy than the indoor ones. Thanks.Advice from cat owners. If you keep a mixture of indoor/outdoor cats?
Cats that live indoors live longer, healthier lives. Statistically, the life span of an indoor cat averages 12 to 14 years, whereas it is only about four years for the indoor-outdoor cat. More than 1 million outdoor cats are killed each year by dogs, traffic, and exposure to disease. If you have indoor and outdoor cats, the ones outside could spread diseases to your indoor cats also.
There are many risks that come with letting your cats roam free outside:
- Fleas
- Ticks
- Dangerous traffic
- Eating poisonous spiders, insects or plants
- Attacks from dogs, other cats or wild animals
- Chemicals or poisons such as pesticides, home garden products and car and motor products
- Diseases and other illnesses such as Feline Leukemia (FeLV), Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP), Feline Herpes Virus (Rhinotracheitis), Feline Distemper, Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV), rabies, tapeworm, ringworm, heartworm, hypothermia and urinary tract infection
- Cruel humans who cause harm
- Accidental injuries
- Being stolen
- Getting lost
- HuntersAdvice from cat owners. If you keep a mixture of indoor/outdoor cats?
I have 1 indoor cat and 2 outdoor cats.
Jemima(the indoor cat) is very friendly, loving and affectionate. She adores attention and loves to be cuddled. However, whenever there is an opening to the outside world she will go for it, and often we find her waiting at doors or windows. She looks alot more well kept.
Felix and Tiga(the outdoor cats) are friendly, however they are also very independant. They are much more proud, cauious and protective than Jemima, and they are much less likely to need your attention. They also look much less like a typical house cat and more 'feral', if you understand what I mean.
For example, suppose you were sitting down. Jemima would be climbing all over you , wanting to play, whilst Felix and Tiga would sit next to you, just wanting you to rub them behind the ears.
I had a siamese a while ago,he was supposed to be a indoor cat,but we only let him in the garden,as he saw the other 2 cats go out all the time,it obviously frustrated him,that`s why we let him out,but he never ran away.
If your cat is a kitten and you want to keep it indoors then what they don`t know won`t hurt,but if they were used to the outside then you decided to keep it in,then i find that unfair.
Hope this answers your question.
I would suggest an indoor cat because mine is amazing. My cat is an indoor cat and actually is afraid of outside. My friends cat is purely an outdoor cat and gets into fights with other animals all the time. Her cat even had to get stiches one time. He is very friendly but he also has a very mean side, which my cat does not have a mean bone in her body. Woudlnt you not want the worry of not knowing where your cat is and if it is safe or not? Also, you wouldnt want to declaw your cat if it was an outdoor cat because it would make it harder for the cat to defend itself, which will cause problems when the cat is inside becuase it will scratch up the furniture. And wouldnt you want your cat to be there with you? not outside!
I have one now that wants to go outside and does occasionally sneak out. She was an indoor/outdoor cat before she came to live with me. She is safer inside but I do need to watch for the escape. When she does get outside, she wants back in shortly unless she is sunning in the garden. She was more independent when she had a choice but now she is more affectionate as she has learned what that is since being indoors.
When I first got her and she would run outside, she would bolt across streets and follow me. This was very worrisome as I was always afraid that she would get hit by a car. She did get into some cat fights, but luckily wasn't injured. It is my hope that she will be happy inside and have no desire to go out. She is now at her healthiest since she is mostly indoors and is getting more content with it.
I live with a friend that has an outdoor cat, and I have indoor cats.
I find that her outdoor cat is self sufficient, but comes back every night at the same time for tons of love. Often not letting you sleep for hours until he's finished!
My indoor cats come for love every now and then, but mostly only when they want food.
They're about the same.
I only have a difficulty keeping one cat inside because he loves the trees too much.
Indoor cats are calmer and more loving. Except for one cat we had when I was little, His name was Scrapper and he was so sweet and loving,he was hit by a person driving a white pickup truck on purpose! That cat killer drove right up into our driveway and hit my cat and backed back out and kept driving in the same direction and he was laughing about it! I was a little girl then but I made up my mind never to let another cat outside on purpose again!
I have 6 purely indoor cats which were all strays ie feral
cats that I rescued. I have no problems with them and their
personalities seem to be the same as when they were outdoors. I would never have an outdoor cat since the first cat I had was hit by a car and I found its remains on the road. That was years ago and I still get tears in my eyes when I think about it!
i have 2 outdoor cats and 1 indoor cat the outside cats are mother and son and allways stick together but very funny when they are in the garden but if i go to the shop/school they will follow me and walk me home, the male cat has even gone for a couple of men who has walked in to my house, and wont let my hubby near me on the settee the other one sits on my knee or any one who sits down.
but the indoor cat stays upstairs allday and only comes down when we goto bed
the outside cats have to be in by dawn which they are
I have 2 indoor cats but I have had outdoor cats in the past, one of my indoor cats loves being close to me and my boyf and will lie and sit on us when he can, the other one just does his own thing and only wants petted sometimes I think the personality depends on the cat itself and not whether its kept indoors or allowed out.
I have one cat a Siamese that must stay inside and i have a tiger cat that goes out there is a difference, the inside cat is much more loving and affectionate than the outside one. It really isn't that hard to keep her inside she actually is afraid of going outdoors which is a good thing.
I have one of each, and yes. Some are purely indoor cats and some aren't. One of my cats we see about 4 times a day when she's hungry, then she's off.. The other just stays indoors all day.
My cat is an indoor and outdoor cat. All the cat's I have every had, they have always been both indoor and outdoor.
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