Monday, August 23, 2010

I have just recently purchase a lorikeet need some advice?

I have just purchase a lorikeet from somebody and i noticed that it keeps skaken like how dogs would skake whenthere wet and drying them self off like he fans himself from head down to tail my the lorikeet hasnt been wet is this usual or kould something be wrongI have just recently purchase a lorikeet need some advice?
birds sometimes shake when they are stressed . However when is the last time the vet was seen ? you need to find a good avian vet and have the lorikeet seen . It is important . just make sure that you dont have the cage in a draft it could be cold . do you have the cage in a drafty area ? check that first and if nothing changes take the bird to the vet .I have just recently purchase a lorikeet need some advice?
Kate M has answered your question well. It's not unusual for a bird to ';fluff'; as it's called, but not excessively.

The vet can tell you if his skin might be too dry. Or he may have another condition you may be unaware of. Regardless, take him in to the vet.
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