Saturday, August 21, 2010

Im not quite sure if my heart should be beating real fast during my pregnancy. Advice?

Ok So Im 10 weeks. In two days I will be 11 weeks. I took a trip from Miami, Florida to Harrisburg, Pennsylvania about 3 days ago. The first day I got here my heart began to beat fast every now and than. And along with it is dizzyness.

I don't have a doctor. I have an appointment all the way in December for one. So Im not quite sure if this is normal or not.

Please and thank you for answers.Im not quite sure if my heart should be beating real fast during my pregnancy. Advice?
High blood pressure during pregnancy is always cause for concern. I suggest you go see any doctor available to you, and as soon as possible. It may just be the change in climate and elevation that's to blame, but you don't want to take the risk, trust me. See a doc ASAP.

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