Monday, August 23, 2010

Would you have a baby against medical advice?

Is there anything a doctor could tell you, as far as health risks to yourself because of pregancy, that would impact your decision to have a child?

Would you risk your health to have a baby?Would you have a baby against medical advice?
Yes. My Mother did.

My mom had a stomach surgery 5 months before she got pregnant with me. My mom and dad had been married 9 years and she never got pregnant. She had that operation (something internal was wrong) and she got staples on the inside of her stomach.

She never planned to have children because the Doctor said there wasn't really a possibility.

5 months after the surgery, when she found out she was pregnant, the Doctor immediately told her to abort the baby. She couldn't do it.

Later, the Doctor told her that if she didn't abort, I only had a 5 % chance of living and that if I did live, she wouldn't.

He said there was a 1% chance we would both survive the pregnancy.

I ended up being born 2 months early - weighed 4 lbs. 12 oz. and dropped to 3 lbs. 5 oz.

I was in the Hospital for 2 weeks until I got back up to my birth weight.

It cost over 1 million dollars for me to be born (our blue cross covered the majority of that, of course) .. but my mom says it was worth every penny :)Would you have a baby against medical advice?
It depends on what the problem is. I dont think anyone could really answe that question for's for you and your partner to decide.

Look at all the people that are told 'no' and go ahead and everything is okay, maybe that cant be said for everyone but like i said depends the problem and your own thoughts and fellings on the matter.

My friend knew her baby had problems and she had him. He didn't survive past 6 months but i know if i asked her now would she make things different, she would say 'hell no!'....she gave him everything she could. He came past every mile stone a doctor said he wouldn't and shes glad she did what she did.

Don't listen to anyone else, it's not them in your situation it's all about you and whats best for you and the baby!

Good Luck hun!
There are some health risks as to having a child. In some extreme, but rare cases women can die during labor. But an even more likely possibility is Gestational Diabetes and Toxiema (Pre-Eclampsia).Gestational diabetes is a condition in which women without previously diagnosed diabetes exhibit high blood glucose levels during pregnancy. Gestational diabetes affects 3-10% of pregnancies, depending on the population studied. No specific cause has been identified, but it is believed that the hormones produced during pregnancy reduce a woman's sensitivity to insulin, resulting in high blood sugar levels.Pre-eclampsia is a medical condition where hypertension arises in pregnancy (pregnancy-induced hypertension) in association with significant amounts of protein in the urine. Because pre-eclampsia refers to a set of symptoms rather than any causative factor, it is established that there can be many different causes for the syndrome. However, for the most part, they both go away after pregnancy.

If you need more information is a good source.
it would depend on the health risk i think. If they said you will die if you get pregnant then i would avoid getting pregnant but if i was already pregnant and they told me there was a problem i couldnt abort it. Interesting question though. Its a tough one i was really luckly to get pregnant quickly so i think i dont realise what some people have to go through to get pregnant so my answer would probably be different if i was like one of them. oh and like someone else just mentioned it would completely depend on if i had other children as well.
I would not intentionally get pregnant against medical advice. If I was already pregnant, I really can't say what I would do, because I've never been in that situation. I imagine it would depend on how old I was, how far into the pregnancy I was, what my relationship with the father was like, and how much of a risk there was (oh and also on whether I had others to care for at the time).
no i wouldnt.

i had to terminate a planned pregnancy at 7 weeks due to malignancy. the dr told me i could have early 'preventative' treatment, or continue the pregnancy and run a great risk with my life.

this was not an option for me. i have a 9mos old baby girl who i want to raise, and love, and teach, and just be there for her. i dont want the only things she knows about her mummy to be the story's that daddy told her.
All of that would depend on if the baby's father felt prepared to raise the baby alone, if it were to cost me my life. If I knew it could kill me and my child might grow up without a mother I might opt for adoption. I had to go through 13 years of infertility work ups to have my child, I would not trade that or her for anything in this world.
Unless you had a transplant or clear indications of failing health, a doctor is not god. They don't KNOW what will happen in the future and whether or not it will impact the fetus.

Yes, I would risk my health up to a point.
no I have my kids to think of, i wouldnt want to be selfish, and take the chance not being there to raise them.
i would love my child just the same! im not sure about having a baby if i would die though. guess i'll know if i'm ever faced with that situation
Yes, I had a Uterine Rupture and went on to have another baby. My life was very much at risk.
if i was already pregnant, yes, there is nothing that would make me terminate my pregnancy!!

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