Tuesday, November 22, 2011

What was the best and worst pregnancy advice you were given?

Come on sisters, share your experinences!What was the best and worst pregnancy advice you were given?
*LOL* So much advice. For me these were my best and worst things I could have been told.

Bad Advice

';You shouldn't lift your hands over your head or pull as it will wrap the cord around babies neck.'; Doctors told me that was an old wives tale and baby would be perfectly fine. I just didn't want to strain or do too much.

';Excercise will hurt the baby';

';Jalepenos are going to kill the baby';

';Using your laptop will hurt you and the baby.

Good advice for me

';Do not eat spicy foods or foods late at night';

';Drink ginger ale or sprite or eat crackers';

';Rest as much as possible when you can'; which for me seemed like not often.

';Eat small meals more often';

30 weeks pregnant and counting with baby girl and seem like I'm an advice magnet when it comes to people giving me advice (wanted or unwanted)What was the best and worst pregnancy advice you were given?
Worst: Someone actually telling me I shouldn't have an all natural childbirth! Medicated was the way to go!

I did enough research and knew that all natural was the way for me.

Another was the pure cocoa butter-I used it everyday but I still got stretch marks. :(

Best: Take naps as often as you can before the baby arrives, b/c once the baby's here, those naps will become far and in between!
The best: All the horror stories of days of hard labor are lies.

The worst: Raising your hands over your head can strangle the baby with its cord. (Stupidest old wive's tale I'd ever heard.)
the worst thing i think i got was.. oh yeah you can eat anything you want and dont worry about it, after my daughter was born i had a hard time loosing the weight..

the best i think was forget about the labor pains once you see the baby it will all go away and it was soo true
Best answer is pure cocoa butter to prevent stretch marks it worked for me. the worse was everyone telling me their baby delivery horror stories they had me scared to death.
The worst would have to be that it is okay to have red wine while your are pregnant! What? Do I look that stupid?

The best would have to be to relax! After all pregnancy is only the start of the advertures in parenthood!
Worst - Don't eat strawberries, because your baby will be born with strawberry marks.

Best - Don't get stressed out, relax and enjoy being pregnant, the baby will get here eventually!(And then you will be tired from feeding baby every 4 hours and cleaning baby spit up, baby poo, laundry, etc.)

The rewards of baby are endless. Smiles, first times for things, and lots of love.
the best: Every baby and every birth is different.. don't listen to advice it will probably be wrong for you.

worse: Well I listened to the first advice so I didn't listen to the rest :-)

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