Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Advice from young and teen mothers? would you/have choose to have a baby at this age?

I'm 19 years old, in a steady relationship for more than 3 years, with a stable home and car, i'm thinking of having a baby within the next year.

Whats your opinion, would you have waited till you were older? Or are you happy with the age you chose to or are thinking of having a baby?Advice from young and teen mothers? would you/have choose to have a baby at this age?
You can do whatever you feel necessary. A lot of people decide to have children young, and I do not think that anyone should be looked down upon for wanting such a thing. I think if you were still under the age of 18 that you shouldn't be making those kinds of decisions (for the simple fact that a lot of people under 18 haven't grown up enough themselves).

I would never disown a friend who wanted to have a baby at even 14 years old, it's their body, their decision.

I currently do not have any children, but to be honest, I too would like to have children young. Maybe not at 20/21 but if I got pregnant at 19 I wouldn't think it was the end of the world.

I think that if you think you are well passed ready to have a baby and you are 100% sure about it that you should go for it.Advice from young and teen mothers? would you/have choose to have a baby at this age?
Well i personally am in the same situation as u i'm 18 in a relationship for 2 years have a car a home. But i wanted to go to collage and do something along those lines....

So i would think LONG and HARD about the decision and if you both want to and you don't want to go to collage (void if u've already gone to collage) Then why should it matter on what other ppl think...just be sure it's what u want and if your not married be preparedd for a break up (just in case)
I had my first at 18, I don't regret it, but I do wish I would have started a little later. I just don't believe in abortions becuz I had unprotected sex. I had alot of help, but I missed out on so much. Just hanging out with my friends, experiencing college on a campus, anything and everything. Babies are literally a full time responsibility, there is no putting them off for a few minutes to do anything, even take a shower, they want what they want, 5 minutes ago! I wouldn't trade my kids for anything, but let me just say how much easier it is now being older, married, seriously financially stable, and able to do more. I have just gone back to college 2 yrs ago, I am still taking a semester off to have baby, but then will go back full time this fall for nursing clinicals, but I have my husband who takes care of everything else. I'm not saying don't do it, or you shouldn't want it, I'm just saying from personal experience, make sure you have done the things you want to do before you get tied down with a responsibility like that, for the rest of your life! Good Luck!
I am younger than you

I am in a steady relationship, house, car etc.

I still study as much as I can

I love my daughters more than the world itself

but it's hard, it's very hard.

You need support from your family and friends. You need to be 100% financially stable. Luckily we both had a lot of savings and have and still do work extremely hard so our girls can have the best possible life.

If you feel ready now, then you can have children, but I would recommend waiting. Even just another year, and save everything you can, so that when the baby arrives, it doesn't hit as hard.

Good Luck
I had my 1st baby at 15 and would have liked to have had her at an older age, but would not give her up for the world. I actually planned my 2nd baby at the age of 19. I was married and decided that the time was right for another baby as both me and my husband were working and stable. He was born until i was 20 but I think its a great age, as you have gotten over the teenage partying stage (even though i never really had that) and you are still young enough to enjoy your child growing up.

If you feel that you are ready then go for it, it can take a while to conceive anyway.
i think if your in a loving, steady relationship then your age is perfect, whats does your boyfriend think is he ready also? im 20 years old, im not in a realtionship i dont even talk to the father, im 15 weeks pregnant and doin it very much alone with support from friends/family. if things had been different i would have waited and had a child with someone i loved, been finacially secure but i wouldnt change anything now, good luck with what you decide to do x
I did wait until I was a bit older and I am ecstatic about my decision. I was 27 when I had my son and am now pregnant with our second and last child who will arrive just a week or two after I turn 30.

I am very happy that I had 7 years with my husband, just the two of us. We were able to form a VERY solid bond and really come to know, love, and enjoy each other so much that we are certainly a team. We are in this together and we were and are sure that we both absolutely wanted this. We look forward to our golden years when we can again enjoy being alone together and just enjoying each other but in the meantime we both love being parents.
I met my wife Amber when we were both 11 years old. We were best friends and started dating at age 15.

She got pregnant with my child when we were 18.

We thought it was a mistake, but when little Blake Ryan came into the world, we were completely blessed.

After Blake turned 2, Amber and I were 20.

We got married.

1 year later, Blake was 3, and we had another son named Caleb Matthew.

And now it's four years later. We have a 2-year-old named Preston Michael and twins on the way.

So, my point is, we were a little younger than you are and thought it was the worst mistake we could ever make.

But once you hold that little baby in your arms, you know, right then, ';I'm ready. This is my child, and I'm ready to take care of him/her for as long as he/she needs me.';

- - - Alex
If you are not allready pregnant, PLEASE wait til you are older!

My baby was a surprise when I was 24 and while I love and adore her, I wish I could have had her at a later age when I was more prepared, both financially, finished with school, etc etc.

A baby turns your whole life around. 24 hours a day, it is not about you, but about your child. Your options become a lot more limited.

Wait until you are done figuring out who YOU want to be, then have a baby.
You seem to have your life stable for kids and if you feel like your ready to become a mother I say go for it I don't think age matters just as long as you feel your ready for the responsibility that comes with it. Just think about it and talk to your partner because you may be ready but he might not. Don't rush it. Good Luck Deciding :)
me and my boyfriend decided to try for a baby when i was 20. we hadnt been together as long as you, didnt have our own place.

im now 21, my baby is nearly 5 months old, we have a perfect little house (rented), i start uni in sept, although that might be hard work with everything i will have to juggle.

its completley the best decison weve ever made, our baby is fantastic, and was just meant to be!
I honestly love my kids to death, but I would have waited. I was younger than you, but still wish in the back of my mind that I waited. Good luck, and I am sure you will be happy with your decision.
i was in a stable relationshp got accidentily preg at 19 n my partner walked away so i would not recomend it just yet i would hold it off as long as poss and enjoy ur life 4 nw =]
no never,a girl gets fully mature physically at 21,so i dnt think so,that u shud plan for a kid now
no never i would neer have a kid at 19 i would hav a child at the same age as my mother (well try) at about 21-22

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